这点就是解题的关键了。 之后可以发现每次调用函数f(x),相当于a(ai),b(bi)了一下。这样根据置换的一定知识,一定会出现循环,而把循环的大小看成取模,把从m->k的看成余,于是可以建立一个线性同余方程。
Recurrent Function
Time Limit: 1000MS | Memory Limit: 65536K | |
Total Submissions: 1102 | Accepted: 294 |
Dr. Yao is involved in a secret research on the topic of the properties of recurrent function. Some of the functions in this research are in the following pattern:
in which set {
ai} = {1, 2, …, d-1} and { bi} = {0, 1, …, d-1}.We denote:Yao's question is that, given two positive integer m and k, could you find a minimal non-negative integer x that
There are several test cases. The first line of each test case contains an integer d (2≤ d≤100). The second line contains 2 d-1 integers: a 1, …, ad -1, followed by b 0, ..., bd -1. The third line contains integer m (0< m≤10 100), and the forth line contains integer k (0< k≤10 100). The input file ends with integer -1.
For each test case if it exists such an integer x, output the minimal one. We guarantee the answer is less than 2 63. Otherwise output a word "NO".
Sample Input
211 047210 1100200-1
Sample Output
For the first sample case, we can see that f(4)=7. And for the second one, the function is f( i)= i.
//// main.cpp// poj3708//// Created by 陈加寿 on 15/11/28.// Copyright (c) 2015年 陈加寿. All rights reserved.//#include#include #include #include #include using namespace std;int a[110],b[110];char strm[110],strk[110];int m[110],k[110];int savem[1100],savek[1100];int cntm,cntk;void Tentod(int ten[],int len,int &cnt,int d,int save[]){ int tcnt=0; while(ten[tcnt]==0) tcnt++; cnt=0; while(tcnt >=1; a=(a+a)%mod; } return sum;}//ax + by = gcd(a,b)//传入固定值a,b.放回 d=gcd(a,b), x , yvoid extendgcd(long long a,long long b,long long &d,long long &x,long long &y){ if(b==0){d=a;x=1;y=0;return;} extendgcd(b,a%b,d,y,x); y -= x*(a/b);}long long Multi_ModX(long long m[],long long r[],int n){ long long m0,r0; m0=m[0]; r0=r[0]; for(int i=1;i >d) { if(d==-1) break; for(int i=1;i >a[i]; for(int i=0;i >b[i]; scanf("%s",strm); scanf("%s",strk); int len = strlen(strm); for(int i=0;i